Underneath you can find a list of frequently asked questions and their answers. Should you have a question which is not answered on this page, feel free to contact railML.org at any time.

What is railML certification?


What is railML certification?


railML certification was introduced to ensure the correct implementation of railML in applications/interfaces, enabling the exchange of data without errors or loss of data. For more information please visit the certification page on our website.

Is the railML format equivalent to the XML format?


Is the railML format equivalent to the XML format?


No, railML is not equivalent to XML. railML (Railway Markup Language) is a dialect of XML (Extensible Markup Language).

This means that railML is designed according to the rules and structure of XML with a special focus on the representation of railway data (e.g. timetable, infrastructure, rolling stock, interlocking). railML is not compatible with every other XML dialect. For instance the ERA (European Railway Agency) introduced a RINF-XML, which is not compatible with railML.

In order to guaranatee railML exchangeability amongst all software with railML interfaces, a certification of all railML interfaces was introduced.

Where can I find the railML version of a railML data file?


Where can I find the version of a railML file?


There are several ways to identify the railML version of a document:

  • The initial railML tag can be used to determine the version of the document.
  • As recommended by the W3C, the schema the railML document is based upon, the version is indicated by the xsi:schemaLocation attribute. The URI this attribute provides can be used to determine the actual version of the railML document. Unfortunately the version is not indicated by the URI directly. However there is mapping available, which allows the railML version for a given URI to be determined.
  • As the subschemas (e.g. timetable, infrastructure, …) are developed individually, each can have a different version. The version of the sub schemas is indicated by the version attribute of the sub schemas root element (e.g. <infrastructure version=’1.1.99’>…</infrastructure>, or <timetable version=’2.0’>…</timetable>).
Can I use XML files from other companies (e.g. DB Netz) with my railML interface?


Can I use XML files from other companies (e.g. DB Netz) with my railML interface?


You can only use these files with your railML interface if they are also based on railML, otherwise they won´t be compatible. Even though they might look similar, because both are based on XML, they won't work with a railML interface.

How much does the use of railML cost?


How much does the use of railML cost?


Using railML is free of charge, but for some additional services, such as certifying your interface, we charge a small fee to cover our own costs. You can read an outline of the terms on the costs page.