Semantic of @type in <track> and mapping to national usage? [message #1596] |
Tue, 06 June 2017 15:41  |
Vasco Paul Kolmorgen
Messages: 63 Registered: November 2004
Member |
Dear IS-Community,
following the rules for the Discussion pages (see n_Guidelines#Discussion_Pages
i have to move the existing discussion about semantic of @type in
<track> and the mapping to national usage to this forum.
In the IS Developers group the a unclear mapping for the classifications
of the track in the type attribute was discussed and shall be improved
in a future version:
=== German usage / Deutsche Anwendung ===
The usage in Germany is currently AFAIK:
- Durchgehendes Hauptgleis; pro Betriebsstelle immer Eines bei je Eingleisiger und Zwei je zweigleisiger Strecken, mit Zugstraße
- Hauptgleis; alle anderen Gleise mit mindestens einer Zugstraße
- Nebengleis; alle anderen Gleise ohne Zugstraßen, nur Rangierfahrten
- Gleisverbindung; Gleise ohne eigenen Verkehrswert, in Weichenverbindungen, Überleitungen
The mapping for mainTrack to Deutschland:durchgehendes Hauptgleis is
nearby, but what's with the others:
- secondaryTrack: This is a track not frequently used (e. g. for overtaking only).
- connectingTrack: This is a transfer track from one to another track e. g. in branches, points or cross overs.
- sidingTrack: This is a siding.
- stationTrack: This is a track in a station, possibly with plattforms.
- other:anything Any value that does not fit any value from the previous enumeration list, fulfilling the constraint: at minimum two characters, whitespace is not allowed.
Any opinions for railML® 2.x and for a refactoring in railML® 3.x?
Best regards,
Vasco Paul Kolmorgen - Governance Coordinator (Registry of Associations: VR 5750)
Phone +49 351 47582911
Altplauen 19h; 01187 Dresden; Germany
[Updated on: Tue, 06 June 2017 15:57] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: Semantic of @type in <track> and mapping to national usage? [message #1597 is a reply to message #1596] |
Tue, 06 June 2017 15:47   |
Torben Brand
Messages: 175 Registered: March 2016
Senior Member |
=== Norwegian usage / Norwegische Anwendung ===
The track types are defined in Norway according to definition in the
train operations regulation (Togremføringsforskriften) The operations
regulation divides the line into two types. Either a station or a path
(between stations). A station is defined where signals are received or
given. The station border is at the home signals. A station has three
types of track: main (hovedtogspor), station (togspor) or secondary
(øvrige). The distinction is dependent on the route information. The
main track is the track to drive into the station in the switches normal
position. All other tracks that have (main signal) routes going over
them are station tracks (togspor). All other tracks (without main signal
routes, like shunting routes or no routes [like shunting areas]_) are
secondary tracks (øvrige spor).
The path has also three types of track: main (hovedspor), siding
(sidespor) and connection (not defined in Norway, but sometimes refered
to as "forbindelsesspor"). The main track is the main track on the path.
To distinguish between the two tracks on a double track line they are
referred to in the direction of increasing mileage as right main track
(høyre hovedspor) or left main track (venstre hovedspor). This
corresponds in railML to dir="up" (right/høyre) and dir="down"
For the ocp operational type other:siding (sidespor) we have the track
type siding (sidespor). A siding is in Norway defined as an ocp on the
path that is not a station. The ocp has to have an additional track of
type siding track. Usual sidings in Norway are factory tracks on the
path, for loading and unloading industrial products and timber. The
switch leading to the siding track needs to be locked. We do not have
connecting tracks in Norway. In case we would have a track connection
between the two main tracks on a double tracked line that does not have
route og over it, we would call it a connection track (forbindelsesspor).
In the case where a single track becomes a double track at an ocp
operational type junction or station. Here the main track that goes over
the switch in the normal position stays main track all the way through
the station. The track in the diverging switch track (not the switches
normal position) is the station track (togspor). The two tracks meet at
the exit signal.
The same happens in the special case where you have no main track that
goes unbroken through a station. There the main tracks overlap and end
at the exit signal on the other side of the ocp cross section. Then the
track continues as type station track.
[Updated on: Tue, 06 June 2017 15:58] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: Semantic of @type in <track> and mapping to national usage? [message #1598 is a reply to message #1597] |
Wed, 07 June 2017 11:24   |
Dirk Bräuer
Messages: 313 Registered: August 2008
Senior Member |
Dear all,
we do currently map the German usage quoted by Vasco to the railML values as follows:
* Durchgehendes Hauptgleis == mainTrack
* nicht-durchgehendes Hauptgleis == sidingTrack
* Gleisverbindung == connectingTrack
* Nebengleis == secondaryTrack
railML:stationTrack is not used since "station" is not a well-defined element in railML.
I would prefer for the future
1) to publish a kind of "matrix" in railML:wiki to map the national terms to railML terms in the above mentioned kind. We could already define this matrix for Norway and Germany from Torben's and my statements.
2) to clarify and tidy the terms (including enumeration values) for railML3.
I would agree with Torben concerning the Norwegian mapping
hovedtogspor == mainTrack
øvrige spor == secondaryTrack
I would prefer
togspor == sidingTrack, not stationTrack
because hovedtogspor and øvrige spor are also in stations which could mislead. But anyway, any mapping is better than nothing.
> For the ocp operational type other:siding (sidespor) we have the track type siding (sidespor). A siding is in Norway defined as an ocp on the path that is not a station. The ocp has to have an additional track of type siding track. Usual sidings in Norway are factory tracks on the path, for loading and unloading industrial products and timber. The switch leading to the siding track needs to be locked.
I agree with that kind of <ocp> and I think it is general for any country, not special for Norway (Germany: Anschlussstelle or Ausweichanschlussstelle depending on kind of interlocking of the switch).
But I think the additional track behind the switch should be "secondaryTrack", not "sidingTrack" since the operation in and out of this track are shunting operations, not train operations. (The train operation ends before the switch is turned for the sidespor; the train restarts after the switch has been locked again away from the sidespor - is this right?)
But again: This is a suggestion only aiming to compatibility; Torben should have the last word concerning Norway.
> In case we would have a track connection between the two main tracks on a double tracked line that does not have route og over it, we would call it a connection track (forbindelsesspor).
I agree completely.
Suggestion for next step: If somebody could prepare a matrix table with track types at a new Wiki page,
- I would fill it for Germany,
- Torben could fill it for Norway.
(My Wiki knowledge is too less to set up by myself.)
Best regards,
Re: Semantic of @type in <track> and mapping to national usage? [message #1609 is a reply to message #1596] |
Mon, 19 June 2017 20:28   |
Alexander Schmidt
Messages: 2 Registered: August 2016
Junior Member |
dear all,
here are the swiss categories for tracks:
* Main Track = Hauptgleis = Signalisiertes Gleis ... "Signalisiertes Gleis" meaning that there are main and distant signals (no dwarf signals)
* Secondary Track = Nebengleis = Nicht signalisiertes Gleis
furthermore, we have an additional differentiation of five main track categories (and one secondary track categories) depending on the criteria load (belastung), speed (geschwindigkeit) and continuous track (durchgehendes gleis):
* main track category 1: Durchgehende Gleise zwischen und in den Bahnhöfen mit einer täglichen Gesamtbruttotonnenbelastung von mehr als 30'000 Tonnen oder Linienführung und Infrastruktur für hohe Fahrgeschwindigkeiten grösser gleich 140 km/h.
* main track category 2: Durchgehende Gleise zwischen und in den Bahnhöfen mit einer täglichen Gesamtbruttotonnenbelastung von 15'000 bis 30'000 Tonnen.
* main track category 3: Durchgehende Gleise zwischen und in den Bahnhöfen mit einer täglichen Gesamtbruttotonnenbelastung von weniger als 15'000 Tonnen.
* main track category 4: Bahnhofsgleise mit einer Geschwindigkeit grösser gleich 60 km/h oder einer täglichen Gesamtbruttotonnenbelastung von mehr als 30'000 Tonnen.
* main track category 5: Bahnhofsgleise mit einer Geschwindigkeit kleiner 60 km/h
* secondary track category: Nebengleise umfassen alle Stationsgleise (Abstell-, Rangier-, Formationsgleise), welche nicht als Zugfahrstrassen genutzt werden.
sorry, definitions are only available in german. if needed in english, I could provide translations in july.
best regards, alex.
[Updated on: Mon, 19 June 2017 20:29] Report message to a moderator
Re: Semantic of @type in <track> and mapping to national usage? [message #1630 is a reply to message #1596] |
Mon, 21 August 2017 16:07   |
Christoph Klaus
Messages: 1 Registered: September 2016
Junior Member |
Hi Vasco,
the regulations for train operations (Ril 408.0101A01) give the
following definitions:
Durchgehendes Hauptgleis: Main tracks of the line and their continuation
in the station.
Hauptgleis: Tracks which are driven by trains regularly.
Nebengleis: Tracks which are not driven by trains regularly.
So the current explanation of secondaryTrack in the railML wiki ("This
is a track not frequently used.") should be expanded for describing
"nicht-durchgehendes Hauptgleis".
The same counts for sidingTrack in the meaning of "Nebengleis".
I hope this feedback is helpful for you.
Best regards,
Christoph Klaus
DB Netz AG
Zentrale / Technik- und Anlagenmanagement STE
Caroline-Michaelis-Straße 5-11, 10115 Berlin
Am 06.06.2017 um 15:41 schrieb Vasco Paul Kolmorgen:
> === German usage / Deutsche Anwendung ===
> The usage in Germany is currently AFAIK:
> * Durchgehendes Hauptgleis; pro Betriebsstelle immer Eines bei je
> Eingleisiger und Zwei je zweigleisiger Strecken, mit Zugstraße
> * Hauptgleis; alle anderen Gleise mit mindestens einer Zugstraße
> * Nebengleis; alle anderen Gleise ohne Zugstraßen, nur Rangierfahrten
> * Gleisverbindung; Gleise ohne eigenen Verkehrswert, in
> Weichenverbindungen, Überleitungen
> The mapping for mainTrack to Deutschland:durchgehendes Hauptgleis is
> nearby, but what's with the others:
> * secondaryTrack: This is a track not frequently used (e. g. for
> overtaking only).
> * connectingTrack: This is a transfer track from one to another track
> e. g. in branches, points or cross overs.
> * sidingTrack: This is a siding.
> * stationTrack: This is a track in a station, possibly with plattforms.
> * other:anything Any value that does not fit any value from the
> previous enumeration list, fulfilling the constraint: at minimum two
> characters, whitespace is not allowed.
> Any opinions for railML® 2.x and for a refactoring in railML® 3.x?
> Best regards,
Re: Semantic of @type in <track> and mapping to national usage? [message #1696 is a reply to message #1596] |
Mon, 29 January 2018 12:00  |
Messages: 486 Registered: January 2016
Senior Member |
Dear all,
thank you very much for all your contributions to answering the track
type question. Based on your replies, we at created a tabular
overview of the different track types and their usage in different
countries (see [1]).
Following the tabular overview, we decided to declare the currently
existing track type "stationTrack" being DEPRECATED with version 2.4.
Thus, the attribute <track>@type primarily allows for the following values:
* mainTrack
* secondaryTrack
* connectingTrack
* sidingTrack
Since the enumeration is open, the definition of other enumeration
values in form of an extension to the schema remains possible.
This implementation closes the railML 2.4 Trac ticket #318 [2].
[1] ge_of_.40type
Christian Rahmig - Infrastructure scheme coordinator (Registry of Associations: VR 5750)
Phone Coordinator: +49 173 2714509; +49 351 47582911
Altplauen 19h; 01187 Dresden; Germany
Christian Rahmig – Infrastructure scheme coordinator (Registry of Associations: VR 5750)
Altplauen 19h; 01187 Dresden; Germany