Download of the railML schemas
Current, future and legacy railML® schemas are available for download below. These railML® schemas, as a brand essence, describe the way in which railway-related data is described in each subschema in a co-ordinated way.
Please note that it is necessary to accept the licence terms and register at before being able to download the railML schemas. Registering with, downloading the schemas and using them after certification is free of charge.
Furthermore, certification by, which evaluates the implemented railML interface, is a prerequisite for any productive use. In addition, must be referenced in any software component, manual or brochure describing the software and its capabilities.
The development of future railML schemas is agile and will be done for and with the whole community of railway domain and IT experts. After the first steps in the responsible schema subgroups (see railML's event calendar for the working group meetings and telcos) all future schemas are released for public assessment and comments as beta versions and release candidates. After this process, the schemas are released for productive usage in the railway sector.
These official released stable versions are the only ones which can be used in productive environments after successful certification by
If you have any questions regarding these supported official schemas do not hesitate to ask in railML's forum or by e-mail to the responsible subschema coordinator.
The development of future railML schemas is agile and will be done for and with the whole community of railway IT experts. After the first steps in the responsible schema subgroups (see railML's event calendar for the working group meetings and telcos) all future schemas will be released for public assessment and comments as beta versions and release candidates. After this process the schemas will be released for productive usage in the railway sector.
Please note that the developer version is only available for developing purposes and must not be used in any productive environment.
Your comments to these future versions are very welcome in railML's forum or by e-mail to responsible subschema coordinator on short notice.
Currently there are no official beta versions of railML!
Currently there are no betas or developers versions of railML 3.x available.
The development of railML 2 has finished, so there are no more betas or developers versions of railML 2.x available.
Please use the latest official release (railML 2.5 or railML 3.3) for your work.
All listed versions of the railML schema in this section are outdated and replaced by error corrected and improved versions.
Therefore does not recommend to implement new interfaces with these outdated schema versions. Nevertheless they are still available for download, though railML does not grant support anymore.
Please note the railML license agreement and the requirement for certification before productive use.
Feel free to contact for further questions and remarks at any time.