
Below you can find publications, press releases, scientific articles and other resources on railML.

Professional Articles

Modellprinzipien des RailTopoModel

Author: Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Wunsch (TU Dresden, Germany)
Author: Dipl.-Inf. Birgit Jaekel (TU Dresden, Germany)

Published: March 2017
Der Eisenbahningenieur
Language: German


Datenformate, -modelle und -konzepte für den Eisenbahnbetrieb

Author: Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Wunsch (TU Dresden, Germany)
Author: Dr.-Ing. Martin Lehnert (TU Dresden, Germany)
Author: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Krimmling (TU Dresden, Germany)
Author: Dr. John Easton (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)

Published: November 2016
Der Eisenbahningenieur

Beschreibung von Eisenbahninfrastrukturen mit railML und ihre Verifikation

Logo "Signal & Draht" at Eurailpress Hamburg

Author: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Luttenberger (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)
Author: M.Sc. Michael Lodemann (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)
Author: Dr. Carsten Gerke (Funkwerk Information Technologies GmbH, Kiel)

Published: April 2010
Signal & Draht

Einheitliche Datenhaltung für ESTW

Logo "Der Eisenbahningenieur" at Eurailpress Hamburg

Author: Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Maschek

Published: 02/2004
Periodical: Signal & Draht

railML - ein generelles Austauschformat für Eisenbahndaten

Author: Dr. sc. techn. Daniel Hürlimann (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

Published: 10/2003
Periodical: DVWG

Press Releases

22.11.2011  Press release on the occasion of the 20th railML conference (Karlsruhe/Germany) and the release of the VISUM-railML-interface
Petra Gust-Kazakos (Corporate Communications, PTV AG)
Katrin Purtak (Press officer, railML-Consortium)

19.10.2010 Press release on the occasion of the 18th railML-Konferenz in Berlin
Annette Weisser (Unternehmenskommunikation, IVU Traffic Technologies AG)
Katrin Purtak (Pressesprecherin, railML-Konsortium)

Scientific Papers dealing with railML®

01.11.2018 (spanish)
Alberto Burguillo Ruiz (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) 

L.D. Prof. Contr. Doct. Juan de Dios Sanz Bobis (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) 

It is well known that railway control is a highly complex task requiring skills and, above all, information at a high level of detail and accuracy. However, nowadays, this information is shared by printed media or in formats that do not allow neither editing nor obtaining this data in a more useful format in a quick and efficient way. For this reason, initiatives such as ® have arisen, as well as other initiatives that try to make this step towards the digitisation of data and its possible processing possible. The Bachelor Thesis gives an overview about the content of railML® in Spanish language.

23.01.2017 (English)
Vivian Augele (TU Dresden)

This paper focuses on a general analysis of RailTopoModel/railML and the openBIM model and data exchange format IFC (Industry Foundation Classes). The paper is a first overview and does not address a detailed technical comparison. 

03.03.2015 (German)
Jessica Pöpping (TU Dresden)

This paper focuses on an analysis and comparison of railML and the NeTEx (Network and Timetable Exchange) data standard in the context of intermodal passenger information.

01.10.2013 (english)
Mark Bosschaart (TU Delft) L.A. Tavasszy (TU Delft) 
Dr. R.M.P. Goverde (TU Delft) E. Quaglietta (TU Delft) 
Dr. W.W.A. Beelaerts van Blokland (TU Delft) B.J.R. Janssen (Siemens & railML) 

18.12.2008 (german)
Martin Lehmann (TU Dresden)
Thomas Albrecht (TU Dresden)

09.01.2004 (english)
Dr. Daniel Huerlimann & Andrew Nash (ETH Zürich)
Vasco Paul Krauß & Prof. Jörg Schütte (Fraunhofer-IVI)