SNCF Réseau

Partner since:
July 2013



SNCF Réseau

Gilles Dessagne

92 avenue de France

75013 Paris



Réseau Ferré de France (RFF) is a State-owned company (Établissement Public Industriel et Commercial – EPIC). Established in 1997, following the reform of the French rail system, Réseau Ferré de France’s corporate purpose is to promote French rail transport within a sustainable development framework. By ensuring its consistency, in accordance with public service principles.

As the owner, RFF has the task of developing, modernizing and marketing rail network access in accordance with the principles of territorial cohesion at national, regional and European levels.

Over the 30,000 km of lines for which it is responsible, RFF ensures fair and efficient access to the French rail network.

RFF ensures maintenance and renovation of the existing network through a delegation to SNCF Infra, and the day-to-day control and management of traffic on its network through a delegation to the Rail Traffic Unit (DCF).

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