HHU Düsseldorf


Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Michael Leuschel

Universitätsstrasse 1

40225 Düsseldorf



The Department of Computer Science of the University of Düsseldorf is a relatively new department, whose distinguishing aspect is the tight link with other scientific disciplines. The railML research and development will be conducted by the STUPS group, with expertise in formal methods and programming languages and significant industrial collaborations.

The ProB tool developed by the group has been cited by more than a 1000 scientific articles and is used for many industrial railway applications.
The group was also involved in formal modelling of the new hybrid level 3 train control system, where field tests were conducted using formal B models at runtime.

As part of the 50 year celebrations of Prolog, Michael Leuschel and his group were awarded the Alain Colmerauer Prize for the ProB tool.

railML® compatible applications: