Dr. Thorsten Sickenberger
An der Hauptwache 7
60313 Frankfurt am Main
Mail: mobility@d-fine.de
d-fine is a European consulting company focusing on analytical and quantitative challenges and their technological implementation. The combination of over 1000 scientifically and technologically oriented employees and many years of practical experience enables tailor-made, efficient and sustainable solutions for industrial clients. The projects within the railway sector cover all phases from business model development via prototyping and data management to sophisticated technical concepts, process analyses and comprehensive IT system integration. Examples are the improvement of train schedules by using mathematical optimisation, the implementation of business intelligence dashboards, the integration of systems for planning and operations (e.g. ITCS), and the application of artificial intelligence to predict train failures and maintenance. In Europe, d-fine is actively engaged with more than 100 customers.
d-fine empowers its clients to make use of industry standards like VDV, DATEX, NeTEx, and railML to ensure robust data exchange and interoperability. For the railML community, d-fine contributes its insights from ambitious projects regarding business processes, regulatory issues, and cutting-edge technologies to further develop the railML standards.