Partner since:
Nov 2017




Daniel Molina

Julian Camarillo, 30

28037 Madrid



CEDEX is the acronym meaning centre for research and experimentation of public works. It is an autonomous body belonging to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport and providing its services both to the Ministry of Public Works and to the Environment Ministry. The field of expertise are all related with the civil engineering and its associated environment. Its main tasks are high technical assistance; research, development and innovation and knowledge transference. The centre consist of several centres and laboratories laboratories aimed at research and experimentation on infrastructures construction methods, materials and technologies (materials and structures laboratory, geotechnical laboratory and railway interoperability laboratory). Since 1953, CEDEX has participated in a wealth of research and innovation projects. The railway interoperability laboratory of CEDEX has as the main area of interest the ETCS (European Train Control System) signalling system. The activities range from the certification of ETCS components to the verification of compatibility between trackside and onboard subsystems in laboratory.