Updated Release Plan of New railML Versions
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railML.org® pursues a policy of open communication and clear, equal participation of all partners. Therefore, we already want to announce the delays of the deployments of the railML 2.5 and railML 3.2 schemas, even though not all general conditions are clear yet.
The further development of the established schemes railML 2.4 and 3.1 takes a lot of work by both the community and railML coordinators. Additionally the 2020’s situations with working from home and parallel childcare for some of us gave additonal burden for some of us. For this reason, we regret to announce that the release of railML 2.5 and 3.2 will be delayed by 6-9 months, in order to incorporate all the feedback and requests by the community thoroughly.
The long-term plannings were updated as well. A graphic can be found here.
Updated release plan for railML 2.5
Under railML 2.5, we want to extend the proven railML 2 schema line so that these not only map the requirements for "passenger information at the station", but also fulfill additional elements for "passenger information on the train". In addition, besides the mapping of further infrastructure information for track plans (similar to the use case SCTP) and route characteristics (similar to the use case NEST), possibilities for navigability in macroscopic nodes are to become interchangeable. This extension of railML 2 is completed by the interchangeability of project information and metadata as well as minor clarifications in areas that have already existed for some time.
Therefore, we adjust the publication schedule as follows:
- 2.5 alpha: March 2nd, 2021
- 2.5 beta: May 19th, 2021
- 2.5 RC: June 5th, 2021
- 2.5 Release: June 12th, 2021
Updated release plan for railML 3.2
railML 3.1 was published on February 19th, 2019. It was agreed to have the following five UseCases in railML 3.2 (more information: https://wiki3.railml.org/wiki/UC:Use_cases/table) – Here is an update on that:
- ETCS (European Train Control System): will be included in railML 3.2 beta1 (March, 26th, 2021).
- ITMS (Integrated Traffic Management System): will be included in the full version of railML 3.2 in Late 2021.
- SCTP (Schematic Track Plan): will be included in railML 3.2 beta1 (March, 26th, 2021).
- TRGE (Track Geometry): since there is no need from the community and there was no active working group in the past, railML.org decided to postpone this use case to a later 3.x version.
- PISY (Passenger Information System): as the data is a subset of ITMS it will be included in the full version of railML 3.2 in Late 2021.
Since the two UseCases ETCS and ITMS are in very different stages and an urgent need of stakeholders and partners, railML.org has decided to publish them separately. The final 3.2 version will be published about 30 months after railML 3.1:
- railML 3.2 alpha1ETCS+SCTP: 2021-03-02
- railML 3.2 alpha2 ETCS+SCTP: March, 19th, 2021 (with additional Common modelling and manual aligned IS/IL)
- railML 3.2 beta1 ETCS+SCTP: March, 26th, 2021 (with and integrated aligned IS/IL and documentation; modelling freeze for ETCS+SCTP part)
- railML 3.2 alpha3 ETCS+SCTP+ITMS+PISY: Mid September 2021
- railML 3.2 beta2 ETCS+SCTP+ITMS+PISY: Early October, 2021
- railML 3.2 RC ETCS+SCTP+ITMS+PISY: November, 3rd, 2021
- railML 3.2 official ETCS+SCTP+ITMS+PISY: December, 13th, 2021
Although this is later than the last announced schedule, this offers the opportunity to include the community’s feedback. If you have any comments or ideas, please let us know no later than June 2021.
We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to your feedback on the current status and requirements. Please let us know via the discussion forum or contact us directly.
Here (https://www.railml.org/en/developer/version-timeline.html) the updated version timeline can be found.