Updated development environment for railML
by Joyce Dillon (railML.org) (comments: 0)
For more than 10 years, the development of the railML® 2.x versions and later the 3.x versions too was aided by the "trac ticket" system. Here, the coordinators had an overview of changes awaiting implementation and other tasks concerning the development. The system also provided a means of organisation by letting tasks be categorised, assigned and their status updated. All changes to the versions were then able to be tracked using the Apache Subversion repository (SVN for short). The so called "code repository" can be accessed through: https://svn.railml.org/
As part of an effort to make the development and progress more accessible to the railML community, it was discussed and decided by the coordinators and stakeholders to merge the repository and ticket systems. For this purpose, "GitLab" was chosen. GitLab is a sort of clone of GitHub, the well known and widely used open-source repository for thousands of projects worldwide.
As of August 5th 2021, the development of railML 3 shall be continued on the GitLab repository. This means that tasks, changes, and current builds can be found here. The progress in the trac ticket system and the old SVN for railML 3 has been frozen. The new railML 3 repository and ticket system can be found at https://development.railml.org/railml for public view.
Due to the effort and time needed, the development of railML 2, shall be temporarily kept in the old SVN repository until migration can take place. The move to the GitLab repository is currently planned for autumn 2021.
Furthermore, the railVIVID development is also planned to be continued on the new platform. More information on this shall follow as soon as it available. The move to the GitLab repository is currently planned for some time in the middle of 2022.