Timetable developers meeting June 2015
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On the 5th May 2015 railML-developers of the railML.org-group “Timetable” accepted the invitation of the PSI AG in Berlin to meet once again. In total eight partners from the countries of Switzerland and Germany found time to attend the meeting. Main talking point were the railML use cases, which describe specific cases of railML-scheme application and shall ease the work with railML. Currently six use cases have been described and were discussed in depth. Some were accepted others were provided with improvement suggestions. The railML use cases are available for annotation in the railML wiki.
A further major topic was the change of the railML timetable coordinator. Joachim Rubröder retired from his current position after 13 years and handed it over to Philip Wobst (Hacon Hanover). At this point many thanks too Joachim Rubröder and his company SMA+Partner Zurich for his longstanding commitment.
In addition pending enhancements for the railML version 2.3 and 3.x were discussed. From the viewpoint of the timetable-scheme a consensus was found about the requirement of a “unique train ID”. It should be defined, modelled and implemented in the next version. In order to do this and to avoid unnecessary parallel developments, especially the experiences of the TAF/TAP-groups of the ERA are going to be analysed in the next meeting.
The next developer-meeting of the railML.org-group “timetable” is planned for mid-September 2015 in Berlin.
(Author: Tim Fischer / Trapezegroup Hamburg; Reviewed: Vivian Augele / railML.org)