The Journey of the railML3 Development
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The railML3 development has continuously been carried out since almost 3 years. Under the lead of infrastructure coordinator, Christian Rahmig, more and more needs of the railway community were integrated via use cases. Amongst others these contain Schematic Track Plan and Network Statement.
railML3 at that time emerged due to the need of a more detailed holistic infrastructure model to fulfil the digitalisation needs of the – mainly European – Infrastrucutre Managers, e.g. ETCS rollout, ATO, Digital planning/BIM and RailFreightCorridors. The biggest difficulty and at the same time novelty of railML3 is the approach to generalise technically and functionally consistent requirements of railML partners and the railway industry. This requires a close collaboration and constant consultation, which makes it to a time-consuming process. Especially in comparison to railML2 – where we did not follow this approach completely - our focus is on immediate relevance in practice and the incorporation of all industry requirements.
A current railML 3.1beta1 release is available upon request via the railML coordinators. According to the roadmap of railML 3.1 development announced in Berlin, the official release will be published on 14th of November, 2018 during our autumn railML conference in Prague. All future release will be published in the railML SVN for free access of the community.
This devlopment timetable presupposes that RailTopoModel implements the adjustment needs of stakeholders documented publicly in the forum in good time. This is the only way to ensure the OneUML approach required by stakeholders and supported by