railML/RTM dissemination workshop at SŽDC
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Successful UIC RailTopoModel and railML dissemination workshop at SŽDC in Prague
In order to inform interested Czech railway partners and especially the management of the Czech infrastructure manager SŽDC, members of the railML team travelled to Prague on invitation of Miloš Futera (SŽDC). The event was set up similar to the informative RailTopoModel and railML session at ADIF in Spain last year. About 60 representatives from different Czech railway undertakings, software developers and universities came together with SŽDC staff and top management to attend the general railML® and use case presentation of Vasco Paul Kolmorgen (railML.org governance coordinator) with experiences from other European infrastructure managers. “These information are very helpful for SŽDC’s data management strategy regarding the upcoming changes like ETCS, BIM and open access.” noticed Ing. Josef Hendrych, Deputy to Director General of SŽDC for Traffic Control.
A specific, technical presentation with focus on railML3 and UIC’s RailTopoModel was given on the second day by Christian Rahmig (railML.org Infrastructure coordinator). Aim of the workshop was to inform the participants about the development, advantages, implementation, and future perspectives of UIC's RailTopoModel and railML®.
The audience was especially interested in the technical aspects of RailTopoModel and railML 3, and eagerly started discussing hot topics with the railML representatives. The meeting was scheduled for two days and raised a lot of awareness for railML and RailTopoModel in the Czech Republic. The participants were very pleased with the content and organization of the meeting.
“We would like to thank Miloš Futera for organizing this event and look forward to carrying out further similar events in other European countries.” complemented Vasco Paul Kolmorgen of railML.org. A similar RailTopoModel and railML® session is now scheduled at ÖBB in Austria.
If you are interested in organizing such an event in your country, we will be honored to come to your country as well. Please contact us.
RailTopoModel and railML 3 are being jointly developed by UIC (IRS 30100:2016) and railML.org. For more information about the freely downloadable IRS, see www.railtopomodel.org. For more information about the free railML schemes, see railML.org website.