railML was, is and will be free of charge
Since the railML.org community was initiated in 2002, their results are available to the public for free. Following the open source model and the Creative Commons Licence (a de facto standard for sharing content in openness and collaboration), railML is developed as an open collaboration of the railway sector. The scheme files (source code) are available for download on the railML website. The railML.org community currently consists of infrastructure managers, railway undertakings, software ventures, consulting firms, research and administrative institutions primary from all over Europe.
The key idea of railML is to develop an exchange format, which meets the needs of all members of the railway industry independent of their nationality and financial strength. Only if this is fulfilled, railML can remain an encompassing stand-alone industry standard. The strategy to achieve this goal consists of a collaborative development in which all stakeholders are actively involved and bring in their needs and experiences. Therefore, the most important factor of success for railML is feedback and input from the community. We are very happy that the interest in railML is constantly growing and therefore the community expands every month. This helps to ensure that all railway divisions and country characteristics are considered in railML. Aligned with UIC’s RailTopoModel railML is constantly developing and railML.org strives to publish further advanced versions that revolutionise data transfer in railways.
The railML development takes place in working groups consisting of representatives from the whole railway sector. We highly value the manpower support of these companies. Furthermore, the administrative core of railML.org is financially supported since 2013 through UIC projects sponsored by European IM’s. railML conferences have always been free of charge in the past, thanks to the generous support of UIC, railways and companies who hosted the event. Please take into account that even though UIC, various railways, software developers and other organisations support the idea of a free, common and unique data exchange model and schema for the railway sector generously some services like individual railML consulting or software certification cannot be provided for free to the community (see the certification manual and the railML.org website for more information).
Despite rumors of planned changes - the core of railML will in future stay: Free accessibility of schemes for the public!
Further developments can be supported by all interested parties financially or in form of manpower and knowlegde. All regulations are available on the website as part of railML. org's open strategy, since a long time. The team of railML.org is always happy to answer questions or concerns regarding the availabilty of the schemes. Please contact us, should you be interested in supporting the further development of railML.