railML 3 Development Roadmap (Updated: May 2017)
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The team of railML.org is currently working intensely at developing railML 3. According to the current railML 3 Development Roadmap - proposed by Christian Rahmig (Infrastructure coordinator at railML.org) on the 23rd of June 2016 – the alpha version of railML 3.1 will be presented in September 2016. This version will contain the infrastructure subschema only. A beta version of railML 3.1 (maybe with first results of the interlocking development group) is planned for the 30th railML conference on 3rd of November 2016, followed by intensive feedback of the community and a release candidate in January 2017. The final official release will most likely take place in February 2017. The possible released dates for railML 3.2 and 3.3 could be Spring 2018 and Spring 2019. This depends on the use cases given by the needs of software developers, railway undertakings and infrastructure managers.
“The roadmap is preliminary, as it is not finally discussed with the other railML.org subscheme development groups and the community. A final roadmap will be presented at the next railML conference.”, comments Christian Rahmig, railML.org Infrastructure coordinator, his announcement.
Updated schedule by May 2017
The time plan is currently being updated, the release plan with final release of first railML 3 version (railML 3.1) for Autumn 2017 will remain unchanged.