InnoTrans 2018: The Leading Railway Fair and railML
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2018 is once again the year of the world’s largest biannual trade fair focused on the rail transport Industry. InnoTrans will take place from 18th to 21st of September in Berlin and bring together the whole sector from around the world. In 2016 nearly 3000 exhibitors from 60 countries came to Berlin to connect, exchange knowledge and state of the art technology. These numbers will be increased in 2018 and the fair is fully booked right now.
As railML® – the open source standard for railway data exchange - is gaining in popularity among the industry, actually a great number of our partners will be present on the fair. Among others these are:
- Bahnkonzept (Dresden/Germany),
- Interautomation GmbH (Berlin/Germany),
- IVU Traffic Technologies AG (Berlin/Germany),
- OpenTrack Railway Technology Ltd (Zurich/Switzerland),
- SMA und Partner AG (Zurich/Switzerland).
- Software Service John (Ilmenau/Germany).
The full list of our partner companies can be found on our website.
If you are interested in increasing the accuracy and speed of your data transfer between applications to ensure data quality and reduce the TCO by using THE industry standard for railway data, do not hesitate to go by one of our partner’s booths and inform yourself about railML and its applications.
If you want to speak with one of coordinators from the railML team, please contact us before or during the fair. We will be at various booths of the supporting companies during the whole fair.