Handover of railML Interlocking Coordination towards a Continuous Development
by Vasco Paul Kolmorgen (railML.org) (comments: 0)
Following his decision of May 17th, 2017 Mr. Dr. ir. Bob Janssen from Siemens Netherlands resigned from his role as railML Interlocking coordinator on November 8th, 2017 and handed over the work to Dr. Jörg von Lingen from Institut für Bahntechnik.
We would like to thank Bob for his continuous contribution to railML in the past years. He introduced the comprehensive UML modelling strategy and cookbook documentation to railML, and always inspired by his foresight. We wish him only the best for his future!
The new Interlocking coordinator - Dr.-Ing. Jörg von Lingen - is already known in the railML community, as he functions as the Rolling Stock scheme coordinator since many years. Nevertheless, he will focus on railML’s Interlocking developments from now on. The Rolling Stock development for railML 2 is stable and currently no demands and use cases from the sector arise to start a transformation towards railML 3. Already being part of the railML.org core team, Jörg has great experience and expertise in railML. Combined with his long-standing experiences in various related international interlocking and ETCS projects he suits the position of the interlocking coordinator perfectly. We highly appreciate his commitment to railML and are looking forward to a successful collaboration with the Interlocking development group.
The Interlocking developer group will carry on with the modelling based on the railML 3.1 Infrastructure schema and UIC’s RailTopoModel. The railMLIinterlocking schema was, is and will be developed for and together with the whole sector, consisting of Infrastructure Managers as well as software developers and interlocking manufacturers. Currently the group is preparing a work programme and release plan for the interlocking scheme. It shall be discussed in the railway sector and railML community, e.g. during the next railML conferences.