6th railML.org interlocking workshop
The 6th interlocking workshop of the railML.org initiative took place on September 19, 2013 in Paris, France invited by UIC. Representatives of the companies ALSTOM, CAF Signalling, SIEMENS, THALES and the infrastructure managers Infrabel and SBB as well as of the EU founded project ON-TIME discussed a exchange of interlocking data based on railML schemes.
Beside of the Minutes of the 6th railML® interlocking workshop (147 kB) the working state of the interlocking subscheme as well as the presentations of the speakers may be downloaded as follows. A password is needed therefore, which has been given to participants and observers by e-mail.
- Introduction of CAF Signalling as new railML partner (5.766 kB)
José Antonio Quintano, CAF Signalling - News from the railML interlocking development (496 kB)
Susanne Wunsch, railML.org - Lean engineering using railML – Modelling a Prorail station for interlocking engineering (658 kB)
Mark Bosschaart / Bob Jannsen, Siemens Den Haag - Working state of the interlocking subscheme (XSD, 60 kB)
railML.org development group
The next meeting will be held on March 27th, 2014 in