24th railML.org conference
The 24th conference of the railML.org initiative (Agenda, PDF, 100 kB) took place at Wednesday, September 18, 2013 on invitation of UIC in Paris, France.
During the day before UIC presents during the 1st UIC RailTopoModel and railML conference the results of the ERIM study, which was developed in cooperation with railML. The full presentation with the slides of all of the speakers is provided here:
- Presentation of the results of the UIC's ERIM study about topo model and railML (2.854 kB)
Erika Nissi, UIC ; Alain Jeanmaire, RFF ; Bernhard Seybold, TrafIT et al - Sharing the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model experience (3.100 kB)
Eduard Porosnicu, Eurocontrol - TAP/TAF TSI telematics application for passengers and freight (2.098 kB)
Stefan Jugelt, European Railway Agency - The use of railML in Switzerland (1378 kB)
Dr. Daniel Hürlimann, Opentrack Zurich - Functional interface for railML differential data exchange (408 kB)
Dr. Andreas Tanner, IVU Berlin - Current developments in the railML timetable scheme (532 kB)
Joachim Rubröder, railML.org - railML 2.2 infrastructure and the railML 3.0 infrastructure concept (1.447 kB)
Christian Rahmig, railML.org - Exchanging track system data with railML a feasibility-study for ÖBB Infrastruktur (1.089 kB)
Andreas Pinzenöhler, IQSoft Wien - railML use in the ONTIME project (600 kB)
Grégory Marlière, IFSTTAR - Introduction of CAF Signalling as new railML partner (5.766 kB)
José Antonio Quintano, CAF Signalling - PlanPro Data modelling for planning of interlocking systems – Activities of DB Netz AG (1.013 kB)
Reiner Brödel, DB Netz Frankfurt/Main - Lean engineering using railML – Modelling a Prorail station for interlocking engineering (2.349 kB)
Bob Jannsen, Siemens Den Haag - News from the railML interlocking development (496 kB)
Susanne Wunsch, railML.org - News from the common areas of the schemes (1.775 kB)
Susanne Wunsch, railML.org - railML’s licence and certification process, next meetings
Vasco Paul Kolmorgen, railML.org